I heard and read so much stuff about how the second trimester is suppose to be better, well guess again Margaret....The heartburn was still intense
I only began to feel worse. however it did die down for a while.
Week 16, I began feeling a little better and speaking of week 16 this is the week I felt the first few flutters. Yay!
It was weird at first but as the weeks crept up I began feeling it more and more. Then as my ultrasound date was approaching I began feeling the heartburn again just like in the beginning. I was scheduled an appointment on Feburary 26, 2010 for some blood work to check for mental retardation, down syndrome and trisomy (trisomy: The condition of having three copies of a given chromosome in each body cell rather than the normal number of two.)
Now, March 8, 2010...ULTRASOUND DAY!!!
How exciting this was for me and Cory. I woke up excited nervous and got ready. we got there I had a full bladder because I had drunk 2 16.9 ounce bottles of water. I had to go to the bathroom and it was taking them forever to call me.
Finally... "Margaret Martin!"
We walked in, I laid on the table and the technician applied the gel to my belly. He began the ultrasound Cory asked "Can you tell what it is?" the technician said "it looks like a girl...(pause)...I think it's a girl!"
He then let us hear the heartbeat, it was so cool again!
He took a few pics and gave them to us and said that he was going to set up another appointment to come back because he was unable to see and take proper pictures of the baby and her bones.
The next appointment was set for a later date in which I'll get to in a few.
Prenatal visit time! it is now March 19, 2010 and waiting for my results...wait only for the doctor to tell me I have to give blood again because it didn't take or someone messed up the bloodwork I don't remember but it was invalid which is the point. sos we heard the heartbeat talked a little and that was that.
April 5, 2010 has arrived and this was the second ultrasound date.
Talk about a bad way to start the day off... We travel a good thirty minutes to get to the clinic that does the ultrasounds only to find out that the ultrasound area is under construction and I would have to travel another thirty minutes to get back by my house to get the ultrasound. Now mind you they had an entire month to contact patients to inform them of the change but nooo...I was pissed!
Now arriving at the clinic and stressed of having a long wait and alot of people being ahead of me. No need to worry I was called in about 10 minutes and finally the day was getting better.
I got on the table and the technician began and caught a good picture of whether or not it was a girl or boy. That's when she asked "do you know the sex of the baby?" we replied, "no" she said "well it's a girl!" Cory looked at me and said "well it's official."
Yes it was! we are having a little girl, this technician took great pictures too...she said the baby was moving alot and very active but she still managed to shake my belly and get our little angel into the right positions. However this one position she pressed a little too hard and the baby kicked and I was like "ouch! she just kicked!"
she hates to be pressed on...and she make me pay for it later on.
After thinking again that nothing would go wrong and after having numb aching hands for 3 weeks off and on I finally gave in and Cory and I went to the hospital because my right index, middle and ring finger stayed numb for 3 nights straight. I found out I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is a common disorder of the wrist and hand characterized by pain, tingling, and muscular weakness, caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist area and often associated with trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, or edema of pregnancy. I was sad but I know it's for a good cause. I still cannot feel my fingers now on both hands but I'm managing. I still love her!
And guess what now...Later that night...Cory felt her move tuesday night, April 6, 2010. As we were cuddling for bed I felt her kick and put his hand where she had just kicked and she kicked and he felt it. He was excited and telling her he felt that.
Now, 22 and a half weeks along I had another appointment on April 9, 2010. We were told that the blood test were negative and she's fine Thank God!
We heard the heartbeat, discussed the (cts) and he told me my options were to
- Deal with the occassional pain and numbness and wear a wrist brace and take tylenol
- get a surgery to clip the edema so there can be better flow
- or make a sling and wear it during the night since that's when it gets worse
So yeah you guessed it...We'll pray and deal with it since we know it's only temporary but I wont be popping tylenol I need my liver. lol... but it's true!
Then wednesday, April 14, 2010 while Cory was playing the playstaion and I was lying in bed I saw my stomach move so i immediately said "look bae" he said "that was the baby moving" i said "yeah" it was so weird but cool and exciting.
Alot has happen thus far into the second trimester...I can't wait to share with you all what happens next...
On this wonderful journey!