Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Invisible

Don' hurt your eyes trying to see the other line it's there just a little evaporated.

You're probably saying what my Boyfriend said, or maybe you're saying "she was tripping!" Nope, it was a BFP!
(big fat positive)

okay! 2 weeks later December 14, 2010, I had an appointment and I was now 6 weeks pregnant. How exciting, it was really setting in that I was carrying a miniature Martin-Manley...

The hour worth of paper work then I was finally seen. By a nurse that is...She weighed me and took my blood pressure and temperature and gave me a cup to get a urine sample.

Guess what! then I was sent back into the waiting room for another 30 minutes...then "Margaret Martin" yes it was time to be seen by the doctor!

Yuck! she introduced herself and immediately got right to business. Now I say "yuck" because after introducing herself she said you're getting a vaginal exam. (sorry guys the yuck is for you and 2 times for the women that knows what that is all about)

Ouch! it hurted a little, all the digging and scraping but it was over quick and i asked a few questions to get to know her a bit. I mean that's the least I could've done since she had already seen my private area. Then it was over ;)

My next appointment was scheduled January 6, 2010. But just when I thought everything would be fine, I was hit December 16, 2010 (exactly 2 days after my first prenatal visit) with the unimaginable.

I rushed to the hospital because I had these really bad cramps and could barely walk or move or get out of bed.

I immediately got admitted and seen and they did an ultrasound and I was told that I had a few cysts (cyst: a fluid filled sac that begins to enlarge) that were getting big and that's what was causing all my pain. They told me it was normal and I would have to get another check up to make sure they were going away and not getting larger because that would mean trouble.

I was scared but with the support of my loving boyfriend we got through it. I was on bedrest for 3 days and guess what again? I was fine! No more pain...Yay!

Thank God!!!!



January 6, 2010, 8 weeks now and at my next appointment nothing much was done...quite boring if you ask me! This was actually the appointent my boyfriend made it his business to interact with my doctor and get to know her a bit. Great effort! he's great...

Then on to my next appointment January 29, 2010 the big day we heard our little angel heartbeat for the first time!!!!!!

to hear the heartbeat right click the link and then choose the option to open in new tab click here !

I hope you enjoy it as much as i did, Probably not, I was obssessed, I put the heartbeat as my ringtone and listened to it every night before bed. I even emailed it and texted it to family and friends. The end of this week I was welcoming my second trimester!

What a wonderful journey thus far...

(note: please email me at subject:baby heartbeat! and i will email you the heartbeat.)


  1. Margarita, you are soooooo funny!! This blog is great! Can you please write Corey's name instead of my boyfriend? I don't know if I am spelling his name correctly. Also, see if you can put a pic of the lovely parents to be on this blog. That would be great too. I love you and I am looking forward to your next entry...peace & blessings!

  2. Oh I forgot to tell you, I got the baby's heartbeat on my IPod and every time I hear it, I get warm and fuzzy inside and start speaking in baby the damn heartbeat! LOL! I can't help it! I can't wait to see you and kiss my new sugah bugah!! (that's my baby talk)

    Auntie Tina

  3. Margaret, this is such a wonderful idea ! I finally got on. And I saved it in my favorites. Just to hear my granddaughter's heartbeat made me shed tears - literally. I can't wait to meet her !!!! As the time draws near, I get more excited. We gotta go shopping soon !!!! I love you. You've been in the family for quite a while now. You know you have to share her with all of us !!! I'll be checking the blog regularly now ! And I am SURE that you are going to be a wonderful, kind and loving mommy. Love ya - Ms Germaine "G".
