Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Princess Is Born

OK had a few more appointments and birthing classes...

yada yada yada!

Then an appointment on Friday 8/13/2010 in which I was discouraged when my doctor told me I hadn't dilated yet and I was checked and sent to the hospital to get checked to make sure the baby was OK since i was 40wks5days. They said I had had alot of amniotic fluid (also known as polyhydramnios), and told me to come back Sunday 8/15/2010 to be induced.

So all the while since Friday my mom was on her way, she arrived Saturday 8/14/10 7:30 a.m. The longest day ever... I went and picked her up from the Greyhound station. We went to Cory's mom house and they hooked up and agreed to fix me one last meal before the baby comes...Mind you I am almost 41wks...So we were hoping the food would make me go in labor... Then the ladies (my mom, Cory mom and I) go to Winn Dixie to get the food we needed!

Some mac and cheese, greens, cornbread, peas and rice, ribs and chicken...Yum!!! Yay to being overly pregnant!

So again let me tell you this day was long....

We were snapping pictures outta control!

We ate good later on...whoo! Cory my mom and I left to go to Myra house, in which we were just arriving when I had to go!

I went to the bathroom and began to push and water broke...that's not what i wanted to happen at that moment but hey...yay M'kylee is coming soon! (It was 7:13 p.m.)

"Bae" I yelled, and before I could yell again he joined me in the bathroom. I said " I think my water broke!" ( in which I began texting everyone) He said "let me see", we are weird but I gave him view into the toilet and sure enough he walked out of the bathroom and said it's time!

Myra and my mom screaming "what happen?" they came rushing into there with me and asked if I was in pain and I said "no!"

We went upstairs and everyone helped get stuff ready for me to take a shower. Cory ran to the car to get my gown and slippers, Myra went and got me some depends so I could control the leaking, and my mom just kept asking "how you feel?"

Took a warm shower as Cory talked to me. He helped me get dressed and we went back downstairs and began playing cards and chilling!

OK...about 8 something I decided we should go, everyone started getting ready and we arrived at the hospital at 9:10 p.m., was on the elevator by 9:13 p.m. in which I began feeling a twinge in my lower abdominal.

Ima fool I was taking pictures on the way to the hospital and in the hospital bathroom while changing into my hospital gown!!!!

I was put on pitocin to bring on the contractions and help the labor progress,(let me tell you breathing definitely go out the window when they hit) they became too strong after 3 hours on the pitocin...whoo...can you say pain? so i asked for some pain meds really did not want an epidural.

They gave me Demerol to ease the pain but not completely take it away and to allow me to get some sleep! It sure did have me drowsy but with the pitocin being upped every half a hour or so I really wanted an epidural!

Give me, give me, give me!

at 5:22 a.m. I received an epidural ...yay "rest" here I come I was knocked out!!!! That was until I was told I had too much fluid still around the baby and that the baby heart rate started dropping...damn epidural...I was taken into the O.R. for emergency c-section and M'kylee Kamaria Manley was born Sunday 8/15/2010 13:45 p.m. at Jackson South Hospital!!!! 8lbs2oz20-3/4in!!!!!! But wait...

I have such high tolerance for medicine guess what?...I felt my doctor stapling me back together and I was moving my I ask Why was I able to feel this when I was suppose to be numb from right above the ribcage to my toes...I think it was the worse part about her even coming out this way.

I was so excited and in alot of pain ouch!

My baby was finally here and I got to hold her for a brief time in the O.R. AND NOW I couldn't hold her until 6:30 p.m. I was pissed.

But when I finally was able to see her AGAIN I was excited all over again! and so was everyone who was there with me...Cory, my mom, his mom, and Myra! We even had her first birthday cake and it was good!

everyone had their phones just snapping away!

oh in the above picture that was her first time latching took five people Germaine, Stefanie, Cory, Myra, a nurse and myself and about 2 hours to get her to latch on.

She didn't want to latch on I guess because she had to have a bottle when she first came out because her sugar was low! damn bottles!

But once she did she wanted it before it was even time! My little fat mamas!

Oh my baby I love her the next day I was told to get up and move around...What the Hell!!!!!!!!!!!! While I'm in pain like this...whoa...slow me down yo!

I could not walk, I could barely stand up straight.

But I did it...even though I didn't go far and only sat in the chair next to the bed it was a big step!

Boy how I miss the hospital every now and then...the food and just the company!

I was huge the time i had her I was 237lbs and in 9 days when I went to get my staples removed I was 214lbs that's 23lbs!

yay breastfeeding!

Oh yeah she has alot of nicknames but her first is Bubbles, because when I first saw her in the O.R. she was blowing spit bubbles and smiling! AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

How beautiful...

Everything has been going good since we've been home she been sleeping thru the nite since after a week of being home. I have to wake her up to eat because she will sleep her pretty head off!

So now you ask "How is it being a mommy" and I say"Great!"

I loved her since I was carrying her and I love her still... I spend my days talking to her, telling her I love her, and snapping pictures sending them to everyone I know.

I am a proud mommy of such a beautiful, happy, good baby! M'kylee mommy loves you!

So on that note... enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for This Wonderful Journey as it continues!!!!!!

Who do you think she look like?




  3. she's so beautiful congrats!
